- Teaching for Meaningful Learning​ by Dr. Barron & Darling-Hammond, StanfordU
- Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching​ by Paul A. Kirschner, John Sweller & Richard E. Clark (2010)
- ​Autoethnography: An Overview​ by C. Ellis, T. Adams & A. P. Bochner (2011)
- Research Diary: A Tool for Scaffolding​ by M. Engin (2011)
- Degroot, J. M., Young, V. J., & Vanslette, S. H. (2015). Twitter Use and its Effects on Student Perception of Instructor Credibility. Communication Education, 64(4), 419-437. doi:10.1080/03634523.2015.1014386
A different way to think about technology in education: Greg Toppo at TEDxAshburn
Blending technology and classroom learning: Jessie Woolley-Wilson at TEDxRainier
Courage: Going Forward in Aboriginal Education | Brad Baker | TEDxWestVancouverED
Technology in Education – From Novelty to Norm | Joel Handler | TEDxHIllsboroughLibrary
The Role of Technology in Education: Andrew Essex at TEDxSudeste
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