Bodsworth, H., & Goodyear, V. A. (2017). Barriers and facilitators to using digital

technologies in the Cooperative Learning model in physical education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 22(6), 563–579.

 Summary: This article looks at the importance of integrating technology into physical education, especially with the societal changes we are seeing. There are many opportunities to integrate tech but there are also many barriers. When teachers become more familiar with technology than they would be more comfortable integrating it into the classroom. Mobile devices add a level of practicality when using them in class.  Apps may provide new opportunities for integrating technology in physical education. Results indicated that video was an effective technology to support learning through self and peer assessment. Used a cooperative learning model that was pupil-centered. This study used I-pads to record a sport skill and then compare the performance to other students and professional athletes. Action research was used for teachers to reflect on the integration of technology in the classroom. Found that students may not have the background knowledge to use technology to engage with learning tasks.

 My Thoughts: I like that students used video recording to self-assess their own skills and abilities. Then they were able to compare those skills with other students or professional athletes. I also like that students would have to research how to improve their abilities rather than be told by the teacher. It is important to remember that students may not be able to transfer their technological skills to an educational settings and therefore teachers will have to teach the skills before the assigning the tasks.

Gubacs, K. (2004). Project-based Learning: A Student-centered Approach to Integrating

Technology into Physical Education Teacher Education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 75(7), 33–37.

Summary: This article examines the use of video in a physical education classroom. The intention was to use project-based learning as an avenue to explore technology integration. The physical education lesson was designed using the teaching games for understanding approach. Students were divided into teams and were challenged to record the key aspect of a tactical approach. Instructors used digital video making and editing to assess understanding of the students.  Before beginning a project like this one, it is important for educators to assess the resources and facilities available to them. Results indicated that students acquired deeper understanding, collaborative skills and real experiences.

 My Thoughts: This use of technology in physical education is a little predictable and outdated. The study is from 2004, so video editing isn’t a new skill for many students. However, there is still a place for videos in physical education. One way is to record students’ performance of specific sports skills in order to show them where to improve. You can also use programs (dartfish) to analyze the physics properties displayed in sports, such as torque, friction, resistance, etc. In online or blended learning, I have found it beneficial to use video in my class. For example, this year my grade 10 PE class had to create a “how to video” of a sport skill of their choice. They had to break down the movement step by step and then record themselves performing each of the steps.

Juniu, S. (2011). Pedagogical Uses of Technology in Physical Education. Journal of

Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 82(9), 41–49.

 Summary: This article discusses how to teach preservice teachers how to implement technology in physical education. The technologies discuss included heart rate monitors, dartfish and fitness apps, but they focused more on the administrative side of technology use. Specifically using digital tools to record and track the progress of student fitness levels. Another option of technology use discussed is file sharing, and discussion boards as collaborative tools. The article further discusses how teachers should pick technology to fit the lesson and learning goals rather than create a lesson around technology.

 My Thoughts: This article is not very useful as it focuses on how teachers can use technology to assess or track their students, rather than how to use digital technology in the classroom. The tools they discussed in detail are more administrative than interactive. One important thing the author mentions is that “technology alone does not ensure quality of education.” (Juniu, pg. 44, 2011) I believe that teachers need to remember that technology does not mean the lesson will be better, especially if the technology is unrelated to the learning goals.

Raghoobarsingh, S. R. (2002). The new game plan: moving towards a common goal. Vancouver: Team Works Productions.

This book discusses how to “raise happy, healthy and successful kids’ through physical activity and sport. In addition, this book examines the “athlete paradox” where children are taught some behaviours are encouraged and celebrated in sport but are inappropriate and punished at school, home and other areas of life. For example, young athletes are taught to be aggressive and dominate the other team, however, this behaviour and attitude is highly inappropriate in other settings. This is highly confusing for children who are not able to separate one area of their life from another. That is why it is important that we teach positive skills through sports such as respect, teamwork, perseverance, and collaboration. This book is important to my inquiry as it defends the importance of sports in children’s’ lives. Moreover, this information supports the significance of my inquiry where I speculate that physical activity is a key component in life skills development.

Ratey, J. J. (2008). Spark: the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain. New York: Little, Brown

This book discusses the importance of physical activity on the functions of the brain. Dr. John Ratey (2008) found that “exercise improves learning on three levels: first it optimizes your mind-set to improve alertness, attention and motivation; second, it prepares and encourages nerve cells to bind to one another, which is the cellular basis for logging in new information; and third, it spurs the development of new nerve cells from stem cells in the hippocampus.” (pg. 53). Furthermore, research concluded that “exercise is the single most powerful tool you have to optimize your brain function.” (Ratey, 2008, pg. 245) Finally, “research consistently shows that the more fit you are, the more resilient your brain becomes and the better it functions both cognitively and psychologically. If you get your body in shape, your mind will follow.” (Ratey, 2008, pg. 247) This book was a huge inspiration to my inquiry, as it not only discussed strategies for engagement, but also the results of these strategies. In addition, the results of Ratey’s research support the significance and implications of physical activity. Moreover the studies discussed in this book inspired my most prominent links to practice. For this, the class will measure heart rate during and after physical activity. I hope by doing this students will feel ownership for their learning and physical activity.