Big words I didn’t know I NEEDED to know.
I am a big believer in “Fake it until you make it.” This includes my not so vast knowledge of vocabulary. In general I am able to understand what a person means, but if asked to define the word I am at a loss. So, here is an incomplete list of words, that I had to look up, either because I didn’t know them or needed a refresher.
- Abstemious
- not self indulgent
- Action Research
- a methodology, understanding and generating knowledge about complexities of practice
- Autoethnography
- qualitative research that uses self-reflection to explore personal experience in relation to cultural, political, and social meanings and understandings.
- Causality
- means of explaining through likely causes
- Enquiry
- quest for knowledge or information
- Epistemology
- philosophy concerned with theory of knowledge
- Generativity
- ability to build on scholarship and research of previous researchers
- Hermeneutic
- method or theory of interpretation
- Indigenize
- bring (something) under the control, dominance, or influence of the people native to an area.
- Inextricably
- in a way that is impossible to disentangle or separate
- Inference
- a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning
- Inquiry
- formal investigation
- Method
- ways in which knowledge construction process can be designed – what tools can assist
- Methodology
- broad term – concerned with principles behind knowledge construction
- Objective
- not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts
- Ontology
- philosophical study of being
- Pathos
- quality that evokes pity or sadness
- Phenomenology
- approach focused on study of conciousness
- Praxis
- accepted practice or custom
- Qualitative
- descriptive, observational, measuring the quality of something rather than its quantity
- Quantitative
- numbers, data, measurable information, relating to the quantity of something rather than its quality
- Rapprochement
- establish or resume harmonious relations
- Reliability
- stability or consistency of measurements
- Sentiment
- view or attitude toward event or situation , also known as: an opinion
- Subjective
- influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
- Validity
- if the measurements collect data that is required to answer the research question
- Variables:
- an element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change.
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