Reflecting on my teaching pedagogy and practices, I believe I have vastly overlooked digital literacy as a teachable subject. Or maybe, its more that I have taken it for granted.

I have assumed that students’ either already know these things, or that it is being taught by another teacher. Primarily I teach physical and health education and social studies. And since my passion area is physical education, I (unfortunately) rarely think past developing physical literacy. (Which let me tell you is a desperate need in the student population that I see.)

However, this does not excuse my lack of attention to extremely important digital literacies. Moreover, I need to take more of a responsibility teaching these skills to my students and integrate digital skills into both social studies and physical and health education.

Looking specifically at BC’s digital literacy framework, I believe it brings up many important points in key aspects of digital education. However, I think something that could be added would be practical and effective integration into different curriculum. Especially, for teachers like me, who need help integrating these skills into the everyday classroom. Additionally, integrating digital literacies with the intention and purpose of teaching skills.

Another area that I think could be improved in the digital literacy framework is making it applicable for students outside the realm of education. In my experience, skills and ideas taught in school, don’t always transfer to students’ real life. If we want students to become quality digital citizens, then we need to teach them with examples from their life outside the classroom. Specifically, I am thinking around social media, and creating a digital footprint that they won’t be embarrassed of when they are adults.

Digital Literacy is an important set of skills that students will need. However, as a teacher I feel like I need additional support in integrating these skills into my courses and more importantly making them relevant for students.


B.C.’s Digital Literacy Framework